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  • What is Ketamine?
    Ketamine is an anesthetic drug that has been available since the 1960’s. In high doses, it can cause a ‘dissociative anesthesia” which induces hypnosis like states as well as unconsciousness. Around 2000, scientists started looking at Ketamine IV infusions carefully when its clinical usefulness was expanded to include a role in the management of mood disorders as well as chronic pain.
  • How does Ketamine work?
    Ketamine has been shown to stimulate neuron growth in the brain in as quickly as one hour. Many scientists studying Ketamine are focusing on the neurotransmitter glutamate, which plays a key role in neural activation. Ketamine has also been found to be a strong anti-inflammatory, which is also being studied for its positive effects. While the studies of “how” continue, the life enhancing results are seen daily at BKC.
  • What are the side effects?
    Less than 2% of people will experience side effects. Some of the common side effects are: drowsiness, nausea, dizziness, poor coordination, blurred vision, and feeling strange or unreal. Most of these symptoms dissipate after the first hour of receiving the infusion.
  • How many Ketamine infusion treatments will I need?
    The first four Ketamine Infusions determine whether or not you respond well to this medication. Most people notice a change after the first or second infusion. For the majority of our patients, Ketamine Infusions result in a marked reduction in symptoms. If you do respond well, then you’ll receive two additional weekly treatments, for a total of six infusions. After that point we recommend maintenance infusions at 4, 6 or 8 week intervals.
  • Why can I not drive the day of the infusion?
    Ketamine is a potent anesthetic. As with any anesthetic, we advise our patients to NOT operate any heavy machinery for the remainder of the day due to potential residual effects.
  • How soon will I notice results after my Ketamine treatment?
    This differs from patient to patient. Some people experience dramatic, instant improvement in their symptoms. More often, patients notice a more gradual change. Patients with mood disorders typically begin to experience some type of relief within an hour after their first treatment. If you have damaging or suicidal thoughts, these may disappear immediately. Some patients don’t notice significant improvement until after their second or third infusion. Even if you do see a change very quickly, it is important to complete the full series of treatment for long-term benefit.
  • Are there health risks?
    Ketamine is typically well tolerated, and we are not aware of any significant adverse reactions at the low dose used for this treatment. At the higher doses used in operating rooms, Ketamine has been known to cause hallucinations, as well as other cognitive distortions. Use of Ketamine by people with conditions such as unstable heart disease risks aggravating these conditions. It is important that you fill out the medical questionnaire fully and truthfully, so we can properly evaluate whether you are medically appropriate for the treatment.
  • Will I be asleep?
    No, you will be awake. The Ketamine infusion dosage is not high enough to cause you to fall asleep but you may feel a bit drowsy during, and shortly after the treatment.
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